Laravel 5.1 Generate Key

So, how to generate the same password for authentication without using laravel(may be through core php) or what is the best solution for this? Please sign in or create an account to participate in this conversation.

What is the best Laravel 5.1 Generator? Posted 4 years ago by Zhekaus. Hi guys, What generators you are using for Laravel 5.1. What, do you think, is the best one? Aug 18, 2015  Laravel 5.1 Simple Start. Posted on August 18, 2015 by Sabrina. Generate an application key using php artisan key:generate; Serve your application using php artisan serve (if you need custom port you can add –port=8080) This uses the server that. /vbnet-public-private-key-generator.html.

* Quick 'n Dirty Laravel 5.1 decrypter.
* Based directly off the source code at:
* Have access to an application key from a .env?
* Have some encrypted data you want to decrypt?
* Well: (new Crypt($key))->decrypt($payload); should have you sorted
* Have access to an application key from a .env?
* Want to replace an encrypted value?
* Well: (new Crypt($key))->encrypt($payload); should have you sorted
$payload = 'eyJpdiI6Im55MXhqZUkwdW5PYTVycmFFbUVLTnc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiQXptOGxcLzVvZVFXUlwvaCtuXC9ad3BqZz09IiwibWFjIjoiMjE2MGU3NjliODVmYWNmNzc1ZjNjY2FjODBkMmIxOWFkZWUxMDE0OWIzNzVjZGIwZDM1NzdiMmY5MmY2NjllNSJ9';
$key = 'AvDs2rPepOLpWgypXPs04JCFWs4wbDTe';
$decrypted_data = (newCrypt($key))->decrypt($payload);
$necrypted_data = (newCrypt($key))->encrypt('test');
* Class Crypt
* The key used to decrypt.
* @var string
* The original encrypted payload
* @var string
* The cipher types to try for decryption.
* @var array
protected$ciphers = [
* Construct a new Crypt
* @param null $key
publicfunction__construct($key = null)
if (!is_null($key))
$this->key = $key;
* Attempt to decrypt a payload.
* @param $payload
* @return mixed string
* @throws Exception
$payload = json_decode(base64_decode($payload), true);
if ($this->invalidPayload($payload))
thrownewException('Invalid Payload Format. Want {iv, value, mac} json.');
$iv = base64_decode($payload['iv']);
foreach ($this->ciphersas$cipher) {
$decrypted = openssl_decrypt($payload['value'],
$cipher, $this->key, 0, $iv);
if ($decrypted)
return'Failed to decrypt the payload.';
* Encrypt a payload.
* @param $payload
* @param string $cipher
* @param int $length
* @return string
publicfunctionencrypt($payload, $cipher = 'AES-256-CBC', $length = 16)
$iv = $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length, $strong);
$value = openssl_encrypt(serialize($payload), $cipher, $this->key, 0, $iv);
$mac = $this->hmac($iv = base64_encode($iv), $value, $this->key);
returnbase64_encode(json_encode(compact('iv', 'value', 'mac')));
* Generate a sha256 keyed hash value.
* @param $iv
* @param $value
* @param $key
* @return string
publicfunctionhmac($iv, $value, $key)
returnhash_hmac('sha256', $iv . $value, $key);
* Check if a payload is in the correct format.
* @param $data
* @return bool
return !is_array($data) !isset($data['iv'])
!isset($data['value']) !isset($data['mac']);
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Laravel 5.1 Generate Key Code

Laravel CRUD Generator



  1. Run

  2. Add service provider to /config/app.php file.

  3. Install laravelcollective/html package for form & html.

    • Run
    • Add service provider & aliases to /config/app.php file.
  4. Run composer update

  5. Publish config file & generator template files.

Note: You should have configured database for this operation.


Laravel 5.1 Generate Key File

Crud command:

You can also easily include route, set primary key, set views directory etc through options --route, --pk, --view-path as belows:


  • --fields : Fields name for the form & model.
  • --route : Include Crud route to routes.php? yes or no.
  • --pk : The name of the primary key.
  • --view-path : The name of the view path.
  • --namespace : Namespace of the controller.
  • --route-group : Prefix of the route group.

Laravel 5.1 Generate Key Codes

Other commands (optional):

For controller generator:

For model generator:

For migration generator:

For view generator:

By default, the generator will attempt to append the crud route to your routes.php file. If you don't want the route added, you can use the option --route=no.

After creating all resources, run migrate command. If necessary, include the route for your crud as well.

If you chose not to add the crud route in automatically (see above), you will need to include the route manually.

Supported Field Types

These fields are supported for migration and view's form:

  • string
  • char
  • varchar
  • password
  • email
  • date
  • datetime
  • time
  • timestamp
  • text
  • mediumtext
  • longtext
  • json
  • jsonb
  • binary
  • number
  • integer
  • bigint
  • mediumint
  • tinyint
  • smallint
  • boolean
  • decimal
  • double
  • float

Custom Generator's Stub Template

Laravel 5.1 Generate Key

You can customize the generator's stub files/templates to achieve your need.

  1. Make sure you've published package's assets.

  2. Turn on custom_template support on /config/crudgenerator.php

  3. From the directory /resources/crud-generator/ you can modify or customize the stub files.
