Certificate Generation Key Service Bus
Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication enables applications to authenticate to Service Bus using an access key configured on the namespace, or on the messaging entity (queue or topic) with which specific rights are associated. You can then use this key to generate a SAS token that clients can in turn use to authenticate to Service Bus.
- Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Line
- Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Company
- Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Routes
- Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Driver
- Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Tours
- Certificate Generation Key Service Business
For me the problem was that the entire certificate was deleted (dont know how). I open the Regedit, and remove the entire ServiceBus from HKeycurrentUser and HkeyLocalMachine and inside Microsoft deleted the entire Service Bus folder. Than from Control Panel Add Remove program unstall the Service Bus. Reinstall the Service Bus.
SAS authentication support is included in the Azure SDK version 2.0 and later. For more information about Service Bus authentication, see Service Bus Authentication and Authorization.
- Jun 14, 2014 Developing against Service Bus for Windows 1.1. June 14, 2014 Wouldn’t it be great if we could work on applications that leverage Microsoft Service Bus locally without having to connect to and potentially pay for Microsoft Azure? Generating a certificate to use with a custom hostname.
- This chapter provides an overview of the Service Bus security model and its features, including inbound and outbound security. Service Bus supports open industry standards for ensuring the integrity and privacy of communications and to ensure that only authorized users can access resources in a Service Bus.
- Feb 08, 2017 From my experience one of the situation that most scares anyone administering a WFM Farm is changing/update the certificates. In fact, there is no reason for that fear because the process is pretty much straightforward. See how easy it is. So, the first step should be updating the Service Bus Services, for that you should.
- (C#) How to Generate an Azure Service Bus Shared Access Signature (SAS) Demonstrates generating and using an Azure Service Bus Shared Access Signature (SAS). Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.65 or greater.
SAS authentication in Service Bus involves the configuration of a cryptographic key with associated rights on a Service Bus resource. Clients claim access to Service Bus resources by presenting a SAS token. This token consists of the resource URI being accessed, and an expiry signed with the configured key.
You can configure Shared Access Signature authorization rules on Service Bus relays, queues, topics, and Event Hubs.
SAS authentication uses the following elements:
Shared Access authorization rule: A 256-bit primary cryptographic key in Base64 representation, an optional secondary key, and a key name and associated rights (a collection of Listen, Send, or Manage rights).
Shared Access Signature token: Generated using the HMAC-SHA256 of a resource string, consisting of the URI of the resource that is accessed and an expiry, with the cryptographic key. The signature and other elements described in the following sections are formatted into a string to form the SharedAccessSignature token.
Configuration for Shared Access Signature authentication
You can configure the SharedAccessAuthorizationRule rule on Service Bus namespaces, queues, or topics. Configuring a SharedAccessAuthorizationRule on a Service Bus subscription is currently not supported, but you can use rules configured on a namespace or topic to secure access to subscriptions. For a working sample that illustrates this procedure, see the Using Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication with Service Bus Subscriptions sample.
A maximum of 12 such rules can be configured on a Service Bus namespace, queue, or topic. Rules that are configured on a Service Bus namespace apply to all entities in that namespace.
In this figure, the manageRuleNS, sendRuleNS, and listenRuleNS authorization rules apply to both queue Q1 and topic T1, while listenRuleQ and sendRuleQ apply only to queue Q1 and sendRuleT applies only to topic T1.
The key parameters of a SharedAccessAuthorizationRule are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
KeyName | A string that describes the authorization rule. |
PrimaryKey | A base64-encoded 256-bit primary key for signing and validating the SAS token. |
SecondaryKey | A base64-encoded 256-bit secondary key for signing and validating the SAS token. |
AccessRights | A list of access rights granted by the authorization rule. These rights can be any collection of Listen, Send, and Manage rights. |
When a Service Bus namespace is provisioned, a SharedAccessAuthorizationRule, with KeyName set to RootManageSharedAccessKey, is created by default. Two default SharedAccessAuthorizationRule objects are also configured for notification hubs: one with Listen, Send, and Manage rights, and another with only Listen rights.
Regenerate and revoke keys for Shared Access Authorization rules
It is recommended that you periodically regenerate the keys used in the SharedAccessAuthorizationRule object. Applications should generally use the PrimaryKey to generate a SAS token. When regenerating the keys, you should replace the SecondaryKey with the old primary key, and generate a new key as the new primary key. This enables you to continue using tokens for authorization that were issued with the old primary key, and that have not yet expired.
If a key is compromised and you have to revoke the keys, you can regenerate both the PrimaryKey and the SecondaryKey of a SharedAccessAuthorizationRule, replacing them with new keys. This procedure invalidates all tokens signed with the old keys.
Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Line
Generating a Shared Access Signature token
Any client that has access to the signing keys specified in the shared access authorization rule can generate the SAS token. It is formatted as follows:
The signature for the SAS token is computed using the HMAC-SHA256 hash of a string-to-sign with the PrimaryKey property of an authorization rule. The string-to-sign consists of a resource URI and an expiry, formatted as follows:
Note that you should use the encoded resource URI for this operation. The resource URI is the full URI of the Service Bus resource to which access is claimed. For example, http://<namespace>.servicebus.windows.net/<entityPath>
or sb://<namespace>.servicebus.windows.net/<entityPath>
; that is, http://contoso.servicebus.windows.net/contosoTopics/T1/Subscriptions/S3
The expiry is represented as the number of seconds since the epoch 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
Certificate Generation Key Service Bus Company
The shared access authorization rule used for signing must be configured on the entity specified by this URI, or by one of its hierarchical parents. For example, http://contoso.servicebus.windows.net/contosoTopics/T1
or http://contoso.servicebus.windows.net
in the previous example.
A SAS token is valid for all resources under the <resourceURI>
used in the string-to-sign.
The KeyName in the SAS token refers to the keyName of the shared access authorization rule used to generate the token.
The URL-encoded-resourceURI must be the same as the URI used in the string-to-sign during the computation of the signature. It should be percent-encoded.
How to use Shared Access Signature authentication with Service Bus
The following scenarios include configuration of authorization rules, generation of SAS tokens, and client authorization.
For a full working sample of a Service Bus application that illustrates the configuration and uses SAS authorization, see Shared Access Signature authentication with Service Bus. A related sample that illustrates the use of SAS authorization rules configured on namespaces or topics to secure Service Bus subscriptions is available here: Using Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication with Service Bus Subscriptions.
Access Shared Access Authorization rules on a namespace
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Operations on the Service Bus namespace root require certificate authentication. You must upload a management certificate for your Azure subscription. To upload a management certificate, click Settings in the left-hand pane of the Azure classic portal. For more information about Azure management certificates, see Create a Management Certificate for Azure.
The endpoint for accessing shared access authorization rules on a Service Bus namespace is as follows:
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To create a SharedAccessAuthorizationRule object on a Service Bus namespace, execute a POST operation on this endpoint with the rule information serialized as JSON or XML. For example:
Similarly, use a GET operation on the endpoint to read the authorization rules configured on the namespace.
To update or delete a specific authorization rule, use the following endpoint:
Accessing Shared Access Authorization rules on an entity
You can access a Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.SharedAccessAuthorizationRule object configured on a Service Bus queue or topic through the AuthorizationRules collection in the corresponding QueueDescription, TopicDescription, or NotificationHubDescription objects.
The following code shows how to add authorization rules for a queue.
Using Shared Access Signature authorization
Applications using the Azure .NET SDK with the Service Bus .NET libraries can use SAS authorization through the SharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider class. The following code illustrates the use of the token provider to send messages to a Service Bus queue.
Applications can also use SAS for authentication by using a SAS connection string in methods that accept connection strings.
Note that to use SAS authorization with Service Bus relays, you can use SAS keys configured on the Service Bus namespace. If you explicitly create a relay on the namespace (NamespaceManager with a RelayDescription) object, you can set the SAS rules just for that relay. To use SAS authorization with Service Bus subscriptions, you can use SAS keys configured on a Service Bus namespace or on a topic.
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Rights required for Service Bus operations
The following table shows the access rights required for various operations on Service Bus resources.
Operation | Claim Required | Claim Scope |
Namespace | ||
Configure authorization rule on a namespace | Manage | Any namespace address |
Service Registry | ||
Enumerate Private Policies | Manage | Any namespace address |
Relay | ||
Begin listening on a namespace | Listen | Any namespace address |
Send messages to a listener at a namespace | Send | Any namespace address |
Queue | ||
Create a queue | Manage | Any namespace address |
Delete a queue | Manage | Any valid queue address |
Enumerate queues | Manage | /$Resources/Queues |
Get the queue description | Manage or Send | Any valid queue address |
Configure authorization rule for a queue | Manage | Any valid queue address |
Send into to the queue | Send | Any valid queue address |
Receive messages from a queue | Listen | Any valid queue address |
Abandon or complete messages after receiving the message in peek-lock mode | Listen | Any valid queue address |
Defer a message for later retrieval | Listen | Any valid queue address |
Deadletter a message | Listen | Any valid queue address |
Get the state associated with a message queue session | Listen | Any valid queue address |
Set the state associated with a message queue session | Listen | Any valid queue address |
Topic | ||
Create a topic | Manage | Any namespace address |
Delete a topic | Manage | Any valid topic address |
Enumerate topics | Manage | /$Resources/Topics |
Get the topic description | Manage or Send | Any valid topic address |
Configure authorization rule for a topic | Manage | Any valid topic address |
Send to the topic | Send | Any valid topic address |
Subscription | ||
Create a subscription | Manage | Any namespace address |
Delete subscription | Manage | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Enumerate subscriptions | Manage | ../myTopic/Subscriptions |
Get subscription description | Manage or Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Abandon or complete messages after receiving the message in peek-lock mode | Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Defer a message for later retrieval | Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Deadletter a message | Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Get the state associated with a topic session | Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Set the state associated with a topic session | Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Rule | ||
Create a rule | Manage | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Delete a rule | Manage | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription |
Enumerate rules | Manage or Listen | ../myTopic/Subscriptions/mySubscription/Rules |
Notification Hubs | ||
Create a notification hub | Manage | Any namespace address |
Create or update registration for an active device | Listen or Manage | ../notificationHub/tags/{tag}/registrations |
Update PNS information | Listen or Manage | ../notificationHub/tags/{tag}/registrations/updatepnshandle |
Send to a notification hub | Send | ../notificationHub/messages |
Next steps
Certificate Generation Key Service Business
For a high-level overview of SAS in Service Bus, see Shared Access Signatures.
See Service Bus Authentication and Authorization for more background on Service Bus authentication.